Quick Ways to Boost Curb Appeal
First impressions make all the difference. For your home, a first impression can even boost its value. What's on the outside often speaks volumes about what's on the inside, and potential buyers often decide whether they're interested in a home based on its curb appeal. Here are some easy ways to help your home stand out.
1. Take a fresh look
First, look at your home really look. We become accustomed to the way our homes look, so stand back and try to imagine what you'd see if you were a potential buyer.
- What is your first impression?
- What is appealing and how can you enhance it?
- What is an eyesore and how can you improve it?
Make a list of the pros and cons. Now you have a checklist! Make a budget and prioritize the most needed updates.
2. Grab the low-hanging fruit
You already have the most important tool you'll need: elbow grease. Cleaning up and clearing clutter can make an instant improvement in your home's appearance.
- Put away tools or garden implements.
- Tidy up areas that are used by pets.
- Clean the windows and gutters.
- Pressure wash the sidewalks, siding and driveway.
- Remove vegetation growing in the sidewalk or driveway and tidy up the edges.
- Weed and mow the lawn and rake any leaves, sticks or debris.
Don't forget: The back view is just as important as the front.
3. Update and repair
Simple, inexpensive updates can make your home inviting.
Front door and porch Arrange furniture, fixtures and plants on the porch and around the door to create balance. Replace outdated hardware or fixtures. Dress up the door with a wreath or something festive.
Walkways and driveway Repair cracks or hazard areas. If it's in the budget, make sure that walkways reach everywhere they should. To add nighttime curb appeal, add low-voltage landscape lighting along walkways.
Vegetation Add simple and clean potted plants and window boxes to give the impression of a garden. Clean out flowerbeds and paint flower boxes.
Overall A fresh coat of paint goes a long way and will brighten up any home. Ensure that all railings and banisters are in good shape. If it's in the budget, adding window shutters and replacing doors can add appeal and value to your home. Adding a simple outdoor entertaining area is a great value.
If new paint or a door isn't in your budget, pay attention to the things you can change. Plan a weekend to give your exterior a makeover. Not only will you see the rewards in the value of your home, but you will also have beautiful space to spend your summer months.
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